Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Le Grand David: All Done By Kindness

There is a famous David Devant Poster which has the words 'All Done By Kindness' written across the bottom. I'm almost certain that my friends at LeGrand David had one poster with those words written across it. I know however, that they mainly used the slogan 'always a wonder to remember'.

I guess for me, 'All Done By Kindness' really sums them up the best. Upon everyone of my visits they have all been the kindest folks. And one day in 2004, I received something in the mail from them that I have cherished ever since. Now, before I say what it is, let me tell you that I collect LGD stuff. Posters, magazine articles, programs, books, you name it, and I collect it. I've got a huge collection of their newspapers that I've acquired of the years, and I've hunted quite a long time for some of the more rare early posters and programs from their show. I still don't have a copy of every poster they've done, but I have most. I've also seen a couple of their props in different collections and one day perhaps if luck shines upon me and those collectors decide to sell, I'll be able to add a prop to my collection.

But greater than any prop or poster or frankly, greater than any piece from any magician I have in my magic history collection, is a hand-made card that they sent to me. Inside the card reads "Thank you Dean, Your Magic Words Have Touched Our Hearts" and then it is signed by every member of the LGD cast. That cards sums up the 'All Done By Kindness' that they express in all they do. They are all wonderful and generous people who I'm proud to call my friends.

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