Showing posts with label The Magic Detective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Magic Detective. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2024

2024 Magic Detective Year In Review


I haven't done one of these in a while. Seems time has slipped past me these last few years. Too many family deaths and deaths of close friends. But let's take a look at 2024.

The Magic Detective Podcast hit 50,000 downloads in 2024. Actually, the podcast will be inching closer to 58,000. It's currently at 57,801 and there are still two weeks left this month. Plus, if I get another episode out, that will shoot it up pretty fast. 

These are not Joe Rogan numbers by any stretch. But I can say my listeners are devoted! And they are kind enough to contact me about the various episodes. It's always GREAT to hear from listeners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yours truly, the Magic Detective spoke at two different magic history conferences this year. The first was the Florida Magic Collectors Conference. This was a smaller conference but sure was a lot of fun. It was my first time attending. I spoke on the Life of Edward Maro, also known as Walter Truman Best. He was a remarkable turn of the Century performer who died far too young. Unlike a lot of magicians of his time, Maro amassed quite a bit of wealth and purchased lake front property in Michigan. He built an enormous house there. Later after he died, his wife built a Women's Community Center there and dedicated it to the memory of her husband. 

This was the third time I presented this particular lecture.

I continue to have a magic history column in the MAGIC TIMES periodical. This is for the Manchester Circle of Magicians in England. I've been providing them with articles for several years now. They have been choosing articles from my blog, with my permission, to use in their online magazine. 

I recently wrote my first current article for them, but I don't think that will appear until January. That article is a book review of the new book by Robert Hutton called The Illusionist, all about the REAL Man who Deceived Hitler and the German Army with Illusions.

In November 2024, I appeared at The Yankee Gathering in Nashua NH. This time I spoke about the Life of Robert Heller in a lecture titled Go To HELLers. Which, was one of his advertising slogans many years earlier. I've been fascinated by Heller for years and covered him right here on the blog for a while. I've actually removed most of that content, because I used it and some updated information in order to create the lecture notes for this lecture. I've decided after giving this lecture that I'm going to write a book about Heller. His story is just too fascinating to pass by. 

Every year on the Podcast, I try to do a special episode, usually some sort of Radio Drama, with ME doing all the voices and or narration. But this year I opted to give it into the hands of the professionals, so on Episode 105 of the Magic Detective Podcast, my audience got to hear an actual Joseph Dunninger Radio Show recording. Something different for sure. 

Coming in 2025

Well, I don't want to give too much away, but I will be adding more interviews to the podcast. In addition, my articles will start appearing in issues of DISCOVERIES Magazine from The New England Magic Collectors Association. And I'm working on a new Radio drama for next year which is actually from a very famous magicians show. 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Magic Detective T-Shirt Can Be Yours...


Well, after much delay (on my part) the Official Magic Detective T-Shirts are available to purchase. I'm very excited to be able to offer these to my readers of the blog and listeners of the podcast. I teamed up with a fellow who knows a great deal about the printing business and does an excellent job in his branding business, Billy Diamond from Branding for Entertainers. He will be printing these awesome looking tees. 

I think this is just the first t-shirt of a series. I'm considering doing a run of my artwork on t-shirts. And I may be offering other 'swag' down the road. For now, your purchase of the shirt helps me to cover the cost of producing the podcast as well as helps me add more books to the library for future podcasts!

Here is the link for your own Magic Detective T-shirt

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The RETURN of The Magic Detective


Well, that headline is a bit deceiving. I am not really returning, as I had never left. But it has been some time since a post or podcast appeared. Life and career seem to get in the way of the Magic Detective activities. Still if you were here in my house, you would think otherwise.

There are 350 books sitting on my desk. About 20 books on the coffee table. 3 books next to my recliner. 5 books next to my bed. The only room that doesn't have books is the kitchen. But the dining room table is also covered in magic books. And the reason for all of these various piles of books, is that every time I sit down, I begin to research something. But as I said, I've also been preoccupied with work. I just came back from performing as The Steampunk Illusionist for a festival in Hannibal MO. I've been working diligently on a new version of my show ASTONIFY, which is a magic show and seance presented virtually. And then I began getting inquiries for Halloween, so I just booked a big gig for the daytime on Halloween, and yet I'm doing Astonify at night. And it looks like the entire week before Halloween is going to be booked. All of those are magic gigs. It leave little time for the Magic Detective.

But fear not! Here is what I'm doing in regards to the podcast. Because I had such trouble keeping consistent with the podcast during Season 3, I'm just starting Season 4 in October. I will begin with Episode 70 covering the life of David Devant. I had so much research material on Devant, that the task became overwhelming. You'd think it would be easier when you have a lot to choose from, but the truth is, I have to constantly remind myself that I'm doing a 30 minute podcast and not writing a novel. I get carried away in the research at times. But I know you'll totally enjoy episode 70 when it comes out.  Later in the month I expect to have at least one Houdini episode and with any luck a third podcast, yet to be decided. 

The blog will feature the transcripts as well as any video that I might do.........and expect to see VIDEO in the coming months!

IF you are a reader of my blog or listener of the podcast, please JOIN the Facebook Group page at:

Friday, October 5, 2018

The Magic Detective PODCAST Has Arrived!!!

I've been sitting on this news for some time, but I can now let the cat out of the bag and tell you that The Magic Detective has been turned into a podcast! (For the few who may not know what a podcast is, it's basically like a special radio show that you can listen to on your computer or smart phone) Truth be told, I have shared the info on several social media sites previously, I just haven't gone into much detail.

Episode 1 is an Intro podcast. I give you a little taste of what to expect. The first segment of The Magic History Minute is on there, as is the Feature segment, which deals with Houdini in Germany. I've decided to refer to all the future Houdini sessions as HOUDINI RADIO. There are a couple plugs and even a mention of two of my favorite websites that are NOT mine. Episode 1 has a run time of 24 minutes, so it's just shy of my 30 minute mark, but that's ok. Episode 2 is also done, but it hasn't been uploaded yet. It will appear on Oct 15th. Basically, every Monday there will be a new podcast....aka Magic Mondays!  I plan to move The Magic Detective History Contest over to the podcast, so that means I'll be giving away the occasional prize as well!

You may be wondering what will happen to The Magic Detective Blog? Well, it's staying right here, and I'll continue to write articles for the blog as well. I fully expect to point listeners of the podcast over here often so they can see the photos, and read more about the various artists and performers. The two mediums should compliment each other really well. Then there is the third medium, that is video. I intend to bring back The Magic Detective Youtube Show, though that is a bit further down the road. I expect to post the occasional short videos over there however, videos that are supplements to the blog articles or podcast episodes. So eventually, you'll have The Magic Detective Blog, The Magic Detective Podcast, and The Magic Detective Online Show.

So now that I've let you know about this new project, you may be wondering what you can do? I NEED You to do is subscribe to the podcast and then listen to the episodes as they debut. There are many ways to listen to the podcast, if you're on a computer you can listen through the podcast site    But if you want to subscribe, you can do that through the podcast section of iTunes. Simply go to iTunes, or click your podcast button on your iPhone, type in Magic Detective in the search area and look for the logo below. Then hit the subscribe button! Episode 1 was released a couple days early because I wanted to be sure that iTunes approved my podcast before Monday. With that done,  I'm very excited about all of this, I know you'll really enjoy this unique Magic history podcast!

The 2nd episode will air Monday Oct 15th!

Monday, April 30, 2018

May Magic History Contest on The Magic Detective


We have a winner for the May 2018 Magic History Contest. The winner is Majik Mike from Point Pleasant NJ. The question was, "He did a great Bullet Catch for publicity, but then chose suicide in real life. Who was this person?" and the answer was
Ted Anneman. Below is a video of Ted doing the Bullet Catch.

Thank you to everyone who participated. I'll post the next Magic History Contest Question on June 1st.

I'm back with another Magic History Contest!  One question & the winner gets an actual piece of magic history. Here is the question:

He did a great Bullet Catch for publicity, but then chose suicide in real life. Who was this person?

Contest Rules:

  • Only 1 entry per person
  • To enter: Send me an email, with the subject heading 'May Magic History Contest' to    
  • Please include your full name in the email. 
  • You must live in the continental United States
  • I'm going to pick a random name from among all the correct entries to get the winner!
  • No purchase necessary. 
  • Contest Ends Friday May 11th, 2018

Sunday, October 1, 2017


Today is October 1st, 2017 and this begins Houdini Month. During this month, I'll have quite a few new Houdini articles for the blog. I'll also be updating some older articles as well. AND, I'll be revealing some never before known information! The first big revelation will be later this week and it will concern Houdini's Jail Escapes. I'll also be doing some magic articles, and escape articles. I have an interview I did with Steve Baker, Mr. Escape, 15 years ago that I'm going to dig out and post. The entire interview has never appeared online or in print.

Later in the month, I'll be switching over to video, and doing some special editions of my old Magic Detective Youtube Show. And, well, there will likely be some surprises along the way as well. Keep watching, keep listening, it's going to be a lot of fun!!!

Article 1: An Escape Revelation
Article 2: Houdini and Queen Victoria's Dress
Article 3: Steve Baker Interview
Article 4: A Houdini Card Mystery
Article 5: Houdini's Detractors
Article 6: Houdini In Ice
Article 7: The First Statue of Houdini
Article 8: Houdini in Ukraine
Article 9: Houdini: The Latest Bust
Article 10: The Men Who Fooled Houdini
Article 11: Houdini & Dunninger Together, Again.
Article 12: Houdini in Baltimore 1916
Article 13: Houdini in Nashville 1899
Article 14: A Poem about Houdini from 1916
CONTEST 3: Third Houdini Month Contest
Article 15: Houdini's Official Protege
Article 16: 104 Years Ago Today In the Life of Houdini 
Article 17: Houdini and His Ghost Houses

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Great Maro At The Yankee Gathering

In just a few hours I'll be leaving for Massachusetts to attend The 2016 Yankee Gathering. Not only am I attending this event, but I will also be speaking. I'll be repeating my lecture from last year on The Great Maro. I did have to tweak the presentation slightly for this group. Previously I presented the lecture for a group of lay people. This time it's a group of magicians. Due to the fact that Maro was one of the lesser known magicians of his time, I hope the audience enjoys what I have to share with them!

I will do my best to give you updates on the event as well as share photos along the way!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Return of the Magic Detective Show, Again.

I can hardly believe it myself, but I shot two episodes of my Magic Detective Youtube Show yesterday. I was able to get one edited and uploaded. This is kind of 'out of format' from what I had done in season 2, but it seemed like a fun thing to explore. I had shot a very short video of me escaping from a pair of handcuffs on Halloween and received a lot of emails and comments about it. So I thought, why not do something like that for the show. I actually included that footage at the end of the episode.

The handcuff I talk about is called the Darby. I had read that it was actually Houdini who gave the cuff that name, but I don't know how true that is. I do know it was a very popular cuff having been introduced in the 1800s. Several different companies manufactured a darby cuff. They are still made today, but not really used by law enforcement. And there are a lot of cheap versions of the cuffs that are some try to sell as vintage, but they are pretty crappy reproductions.

I'm editing episode 2 now, and that will go up shortly. By the time I get to episode three I hope to get back to the format I stumbled upon last year which was recreating magic from the Victorian Era. With any luck, I'll also share some visits to magic collections in coming episodes. Let's see if I can actually get past 5 episodes this time around!!!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Listen To My Radio Interview on Houdini, Magic History and more

Just wrapped up two hours of discussing magic history, HOUDINI, and then we also talked about me :)   It was really fun. This was on You can listen to the replay here

I even do a card trick during the final thirty minutes of the show, so if you listen, get a deck of cards and try it along with the replay! The host, Jim Tyson, really did his homework and it's clear he is also a big fan of magic. By the way, here is a little bit of behind the SpacedOutRadio is a radio show devoted to the Unusual, the Paranormal, Ghosts, UFOs and that kind of thing. Well because I was going to be interviewed for 2 hours, I made sure to take some notes on things to talk about in case I needed it. 35 minutes into the interview (I think it was 35 minutes), the power went out in my home. I'm on my cell phone, so it's not problem, but I'm also in the dark, so no access to notes. It's all 100% memory. Which turned out just fine. But I couldn't help but think about the 'ghost' thing for a second....the power almost NEVER goes out and it wasn't even storming! Strange.

I plugged everything I could think of during the show. I mentioned the touring shows, Masters of Illusion and the three ILLUSIONISTS productions. I mentioned the Copperfield Theatre at the MGM and even Criss Angel's shows in Vegas. I also mentioned the various TV shows dedicated to magic. I felt like the magic ambassador last night. Oh, and I plugged my own theatre show as well.
The interview must have had some pretty strong airplay because I just noticed the numbers on a couple of my websites shooting through the roof!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Magic Detective on the Radio This Weekend!

This Sunday, January 18th at 10pm PST, 1am East Coast Time, I'll be interviewed by Jim Tyson for Spaced Out Radio. We'll be talking Magic History and probably a lot about Houdini. The good news is it will be available to listen to online after the initial broadcast.

Spaced Out Radio is a new online radio show dealing with the unknown. It's part of programming. You can find them at