Showing posts with label Genii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genii. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The NEW Genii Is Out of the Lamp!


When I say, "The NEW Genii" I'm speaking of the magazine first started by William Larsen Sr. back in 1936. This was truly a family magazine for many years. From 1936 till 1999, the magazine was produced by the family Larsen. But in 1999, Richard Kaufman purchased the magazine and has kept it running until January 2025. I believe the magazine was sold to Randy Pitchford before this time, but Richard stayed on as editor.

Now in February 2025 we have a new editor, Jim Steinmeyer, well he is listed as the Executive Editor. Richard Kaufman is staying on to run the Magicana column. Some of the old columnists have remained and some new ones have come on board.

One of the interesting things is the look. As you can see by the image above, they've gone with a new Genii Logo. I hope the color pink is just for this month. The b/w image on the cover is cool. The inside is full color. The lay out is very different from the older Genii. I guess it has a more contemporary look on the inside. A lot more 'white space' at least at the start of some columns. 

It has one magic history column, which I'm glad to see. The Table of Contents breaks the articles up into the follow categories:  Features, Columns, Voices, In Practice, In Performance, Marketplace, Workshop, and finally, Perspectives. 

So what do I think overall? I love it. I am thrilled Genii continues. I hope it continues for another 100 years quite frankly. It is important for many reasons. If you've ever done any research on magicians of old, the magazines of the time hold a huge amount of information. And Genii will continue to discuss, the old, the modern, the new, and the future of magic within it's pages!

If you don't already have one, get a subscription today.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Houdini's Rose Bush and GENII Magazine

I love Genii Magazine! It was the first magic magazine I ever purchased as a kid. I'm so grateful it continues to this day. Each month it's sort of a fight to see which of two articles I will read first, Jim Steinmeyer's Conjuring column or John Gaughan's Chamber of Secrets column. This month I read John Gaughan's article first and let me tell you what, fellow Houdini fans, your head will explode!

In the October 2014 issue of Genii, John's column is sub-titled "Houdini's Blooming Rose Bush and Flower Cone. The photo at the top of the page is the 'OTHER' Houdini Blooming Rosebush, which is in Ken Klosterman's collection. But trust me, that photo above is nothing compared to the photos in the magazine. In the article you'll see an exposed view of the inner workings of this magnificent piece of magical apparatus. And just as soon as you think you've seen it all, then comes the Flower Cone.

The Houdini Flower Cone was an illusion used in his final tour and can be seen in HOUDINI His Legend and His Magic by Doug Henning and Charles Reynolds on page 122. But in the book you only see a black and white image which is not exactly high resolution. In the Genii issue you'll see the actual cone and the flowers in full color!!! It's breathtaking and you must check it out, NOW!!!!!

Also, be sure to check out the great article on the Masters of Illusion Show! This is a touring show as well as a TV show. Every magician should be watching and or attending this production!

The Oct 2014 Issue of Genii Magazine

Monday, August 25, 2014

A Secret Houdini Education From a Genii

Genii the International Conjurers Magazine has been around since 1936. The second issue of the magazine had Houdini on the cover. I would like to draw your attention to the column 'The Genii Speaks' which is written by William Larsen Sr.. He spends some time discussing the fact that Houdini had been dead now for ten years. Read what he had to say,

"Surely, ten years should reconcile us to his departure. But, it hasn't. When he went, magic lost something; an intangible something which it has never regained. Perhaps it was prestige that we lost, or a leader-or, an idol."

That is a telling statement by someone quite involved in the world of magic. Most any magician, who has been dead ten years, is all but forgotten, sadly. But Houdini's name was being spoken so often it was almost as if he had never left. Mr. Larsen goes on to say that had Houdini lived he no doubt would be involved in theatre, radio and getting himself ready for television. Imagine HOUDINI being an early television pioneer. Wow.

The last half of the article is the part I refer to as 'the secret education'. Mr. Larsen shares his insights on the escape act, the concepts and how to present one properly in 1936. I can tell you, as someone who has performed escapes, he is right on the money. The one area though that I seem to part company with my fellow magi is in the area of the 'fast escapes'. I do believe a quicker pace is helpful in the 21st Century, but I can also tell you from personal experience that a long drawn out escape will also play today, IF structured properly, contrary to popular opinion.

I can also say that being shackled, chained, roped, straitjacketed and so on, gives one a unique insight into Houdini that the non-performer doesn't have. I'm not saying it makes you smarter, I'm just saying it does make you understand some of the things he went through and makes a lot of these challenges really come to life more so than someone who has never been nailed into a packing crate or coffin or some other crazy device.

I can just see Houdini laughing at our modern day expression "Thinking Outside the Box." For him it would have had a double meaning. In truth, that is the escape artists greatest tool, is being able to think outside the box and think under pressure. In the world of the magician we have something called 'outs'. These are preplanned schemes to use in case a trick goes wrong and we can adjust and bring about a successful conclusion regardless of some aspect not going properly. Well, in the world of escapes, if something goes wrong, you can be in serious trouble. You can be facing injury and even possible death. No matter if you are using specialized equipment or things totally 100% legitimate, if something goes wrong you step into the danger zone.  In a great article by Chuck Romano over at his site, My Magic Uncle, he mentions an incident when Hardeen was stuck inside the MilkCan and DoubleFold Death Defying Mystery Box.  This was potentially deadly, but thankfully Hardeen did not panic and had a preplanned out (please go read the article to find out what Hardeen did).

I have had things go wrong with escapes on more than one occasion and let me tell you, your brain shoots into overdrive. You begin thinking so fast it hardly makes sense until suddenly your brain 'clicks' on the right solution and everything comes back into focus. And that is not a panic mode, it's just what happens when you are faced with a potential failure and you need to turn it around.

If you ever get the chance to read The Genii Speaks from Vol 1 Issue 2 of Genii, you'll get a better understanding of the mind of the escape artist once you finish the article.  And despite the fact that there were other people who did escapes before, during, and after Houdini, he was without question the archetype of the grand escapologist.

Oh, if you are a Genii Subscriber, you can go use the digital version of Genii to access this issue.

BY THE WAY, We are now on the final week of the 30 Days of Houdini. So far I have successfully put up an article each day this month of Houdini. The Final Week, MIGHT, have a few surprises...MIGHT, lol. Or they may have to wait until the next 30 Days of Houdini, which will be very different trust me. Keep watching and thanks for being faithful readers of my blog.

To check out the previous articles

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Genii Magazine Fantastic Historical Column

One of my favorite columns in the Genii Magazine is called The Chamber of Secrets by John Gaughan. Every month, John shares with the readers a piece of magic apparatus from his collection. In the May 2014 of Genii, he shares the Coin Casket. Back in June of 2012, I wrote a piece on the Coin Casket as well. My column included some video. I would encourage you to check out John's column because he gives a lot more historical details than my column did. But then check out my column also because I've included video so you can see the Miraculous Coin Casket in action!

While I'm at it, there is another historical column that doesn't appear every month, but when it does show up it's always a treasure. That column is called Memoirs of a Magic Dealer by Al Cohen. Al's Magic Shop was the shop I grew up going to. And Al Cohen was the coolest guy ever to demo magic tricks. He was always so captivating and entertaining and mainly because he was just being himself! Check out his column, great stuff!

While I'm at it I also need to mention three other columns that are not magic history but always superb. Jim Steinmeyer's column called CONJURING, Tom Stone's column called Lodestones and finally a new column by Jonathan Pendragon called Panmagium. Conjuring has been missing of late, probably due to Mr. Steinmeyer's schedule. But Tom Stone's column is a bit Steinmeyer-esque this month and worth checking out. And Jonathan's column is nothing short of brilliant. So please, by all means go check them out. And I'll be doing a similar thing with MAGIC Magazine soon, pointing out the historical columns! In the mean time, enjoy.

UPDATE on Coin Casket: I cannot tell you how excited I am to have just purchased a Miraculous Coin Casket!!!!! What an ingenious piece of magical machinery and to think it came out of the 19th Century. It will become part of my new show very soon! 6/13/2014