Thursday, January 9, 2025

Eradicating TRICKS From Magic :Essay


I would like to give you, my fellow magicians, something to think about. I am sure I am not the first person to have this idea, and possibly not even the first to come up with this solution. But I would like to eradicate the word "TRiCK or TRICKS" from the magical vocabulary. And maybe to be more precise eradicate it when performing before lay people. 

First let me begin with the why. The word trick to me and to others sounds negative. "Oh He is going to TRICK me" or "She is going to play a trick on me". These both have negativity in them. It goes along with the word "fool" which is another word, I'd like to get rid of but as long as Penn and Teller have their TV show, it stays. 

Here is another reason. I can state for the record, I HATE the people on social media who expose magic and then treat it like something stupid. I'm not naming names or giving anyone credit for being a jerk. But I hate the demeaning of magic. That's where all this came from actually. All those exposure videos and making magic look cheap or stupid. And they all play into the idea of 'tricking someone'. Most decent magicians are not interested in 'tricking someone', but rather creating a unique moment of magic that the spectator can experience.

Watch this. Magic has some stupid explanation. It's just a fake coin, it's just a fake card, it's a string, it's this or that. OK. But let's attack Music for a moment. WAIT, that's not music, it's just sound. You're just hitting a metal string with your fingers to make that sound. Or you are just using your fingers to hit a plastic key tied to a string which makes the sound. OR Art. WAIT, that's just a bunch of paint on paper, so what. Or PHOTOGRAPHY. WAIT, I can do that on my phone, so what.   See when you break things down to the tiniest degree, everything can be shown to be stupid, especially if you talk like Mitch Pelegi (sorry old reference to another time). 

Jamy Ian Swiss said, "Magicians have taken something intrinsically profound and made it appear trivial." And that is a hard statement to hear, because it's true. But perhaps, our own terminology isn't helping matters. Remember when the movie The Prestige came out. They had these terms that they said magicians used to describe certain things in their shows. One of the words was the Prestige.  That's good. We never used it in real life, but we sure should have.

I propose we ditch the word "TRICK" and replace it with 'composition'. The definition of the word means,  a work of music, literature, or art. EXACTLY! Just add magic, to that definition. We can create all sorts of titles for these compositions. But I love calling an effect a composition. "This is my latest composition with cards, I call it The Dance of the Pasteboards" or whatever. It sounds so much better than, here is another trick. 

I know for me, I am going to make a concerted effort to refer to routines in my show as 'compositions' going forward. What do you think? I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts...

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