The next episode is going to be a very special holiday episode, #86. Then the final episode for 2022 will be another broadcasting of a Radio Interview I did on the history of magic. This one I did back in October of this year.
I'm really behind in some of my plans for the podcast. I had expected to have my t-shirts up and available by now, but that hasn't happened, and sadly may not. I've fallen behind on the contests, which were always popular in the past. And I have yet to get another interview done. So my total stands at ONE, lol. That interview was with my friend Judge Gary Brown who wrote the book on Al Flosso. It is the second most listened to podcast of the entire run. I don't want to have a LOT of interviews, but I do want to include some.
I have been asked a number of times if I plan to continue the podcast. I guess that's because I've had trouble getting out new episodes. The answer is yes. I have a master list of 200 potential subjects to cover on the podcast. I've already done 85 of them. BUT, I'm always adding to the list. For example, Episode 85 was Milbourne Christopher, who I had never put on the list, and I'm so glad I did! I'd say the unfinished podcasts stands around a constant 120, because I get some done and then I add some, so it sorta stays around the same number yet to get done. And right now, if I only do the remaining ones, I've still got 6 years left on this. That's probably longer than most podcasts stay around.
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