Thursday, January 23, 2025

The NEW Genii Is Out of the Lamp!


When I say, "The NEW Genii" I'm speaking of the magazine first started by William Larsen Sr. back in 1936. This was truly a family magazine for many years. From 1936 till 1999, the magazine was produced by the family Larsen. But in 1999, Richard Kaufman purchased the magazine and has kept it running until January 2025. I believe the magazine was sold to Randy Pitchford before this time, but Richard stayed on as editor.

Now in February 2025 we have a new editor, Jim Steinmeyer, well he is listed as the Executive Editor. Richard Kaufman is staying on to run the Magicana column. Some of the old columnists have remained and some new ones have come on board.

One of the interesting things is the look. As you can see by the image above, they've gone with a new Genii Logo. I hope the color pink is just for this month. The b/w image on the cover is cool. The inside is full color. The lay out is very different from the older Genii. I guess it has a more contemporary look on the inside. A lot more 'white space' at least at the start of some columns. 

It has one magic history column, which I'm glad to see. The Table of Contents breaks the articles up into the follow categories:  Features, Columns, Voices, In Practice, In Performance, Marketplace, Workshop, and finally, Perspectives. 

So what do I think overall? I love it. I am thrilled Genii continues. I hope it continues for another 100 years quite frankly. It is important for many reasons. If you've ever done any research on magicians of old, the magazines of the time hold a huge amount of information. And Genii will continue to discuss, the old, the modern, the new, and the future of magic within it's pages!

If you don't already have one, get a subscription today.

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