Friday, July 20, 2018

Houdini Commemorative T-Shirt

Here is something you don't see every day. A Commemorative Houdini T-shirt. This is produced by the Camel City Goods Company, and it commemorates the Nov 24th, 1924 performance by Houdini at the Winston Salem Reynolds Auditorium. I'll be honest, I didn't go back and fact check this to see if Houdini did indeed perform there on that date*. I just thought it was a very cool t-shirt.

You can get one here:

I've done a bit more research into this, and apparently this is the second t-shirt. The original was a tan shirt with reddish lettering. There was also a commemorative button issued by the same company.

*I've gone back to see if I could find any proof of Houdini performing in Winston-Salem on Nov 24th 1924, and sure enough, an article in The Frederick News, Nov 25th, 1924 mentions his appearance at The Reynolds Memorial Hall in Winston Salem on the 24th.


  1. Houdini was touring Pennsylvania with his spirit lecture the week of Nov. 24, 1924.

    1. Actually, I just checked this, and it looks like he was indeed in Winston Salem at the Reynolds Memorial Hall on Nov 24th, 1924. His appearance is mentioned in the Nov 25th edition of The Frederick News.

    2. Oh, fantastic! I will add to my Chronology. Thanks!

      This was no doubt was his spiritualism lecture. It was all one night stands.

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