Thursday, May 23, 2024

Houdini's Grave Upkeep and More


This next piece, I found on the SAMMagicians Instagram Page and I'm basically reprinting it here.

After his sudden and untimely passing in 1926, the funeral for Past National President Harry Houdini featured over 2,000 mourners and presented the very first Broken Wand Ceremony. His remains were then interred at Machpelah Cemetery in Queens, NY, featuring many unique elements designed by Houdini himself. 

After nearly 100 years, today the gravesite needs repair and maintenance, as well as a plan to consider its perpetual care and upkeep.

Having given so much to the Society of American Magicians and establishing it as a global force in the community of magicians, we wish to honor Houdini's legacy and commitment by taking on some of the burden of care for this site.

Please consider donating any amount you can spare, and know that generations of magicians will be able to benefit from your contribution.

To read more about the history of the Houdini Grave, click below for an article I wrote quite a while ago. And check out the comments in the comments section, as they are also rather revealing.

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